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My Office Desk, Finally

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1 hour ago, Jamie said:

I like the look of the legs being wider. From the original picture it looks like the legs on it go out even farther.  Not sure if its more angle than 5 degrees or they are spaced out wider.  Going of that print....I think having the legs go all the way to the top would be a stronger joint.  

ya, it looks like it is more of an angle in the picture than the 5* I am working with.


As for drawer ... here is the leading contender: 14" wide drawer, 3 1/2" deep after the 1/2 dado in the top to hold the frame of the drawer. Then 1" off from drawer guides, then another 1" off from 1/2 box ... overall should be around 12" wide usable drawer ... if it all goes to plan ?




Now as far as connecting the front apron to the drawer frame ... Not sure if I should go domino or dowel. The dowel seems like the easier option as I have never done a "free range" domino like it going to be needed for this ... Is there a good video explaining that one?


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1 hour ago, Jamie said:

Also are your going to be adding the rail that is down from the top?  Looks like it would add quite a bit of support to the legs.

for now I was just going with the apron approach ... for the rail, are you talking about the cable management piece or the one between the legs? If its the one between the legs, I was still considering it ... not 100% sure, but if it is needed, I will add it. 



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8 minutes ago, Bushwacked said:

ya, it looks like it is more of an angle in the picture than the 5* I am working with.


As for drawer ... here is the leading contender: 14" wide drawer, 3 1/2" deep after the 1/2 dado in the top to hold the frame of the drawer. Then 1" off from drawer guides, then another 1" off from 1/2 box ... overall should be around 12" wide usable drawer ... if it all goes to plan ?




Now as far as connecting the front apron to the drawer frame ... Not sure if I should go domino or dowel. The dowel seems like the easier option as I have never done a "free range" domino like it going to be needed for this ... Is there a good video explaining that one?


A sliding dovetail might be a neat look on it.  Not to hard to do with a straight edge and a sharp bit.  I thing for the domino as well just a straight edge guide would work well.  I don't have a domino but have done that with a biscuits a time or 2.  Your math seems spot on with the size of the drawer.  I would prob wait to make it till your side supports are in.  


9 minutes ago, Bushwacked said:

for now I was just going with the apron approach ... for the rail, are you talking about the cable management piece or the one between the legs? If its the one between the legs, I was still considering it ... not 100% sure, but if it is needed, I will add it. 



Yes that is the rail I was referring to.  With that being lower down it would make it like a 8" rail wide or however far down you put it.  Would take quite a bit more force to get the legs to bust off with it in place.  I like how they made it a smaller piece.  Keeps the design light but adds to the overall strength. 

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The day was going so well ... 

I got the legs cut out and rough sized on the length. The top angle cut and everything looking good. The cross brace will have a 1/2" inset so it does not sit flush. 




Then apparently the last time I used my domino I didnt take out the bit and apparently used gorilla strength to tighten it. Guess who gets to send it back to festool now and wait. I just needed 4 dominoes in a #6 bit, the #10 bit is on there ... I did get the tabletop drilled out so I can at least keep that going until I am done with that part. However the legs wont be completed for a probably 2 more weeks with all the shipping times and stuff about to hit. 


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The way the picture shows the bit, if you put the wrench on to the left of the bit, you would push down to loosen. 

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"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not;  remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." - Epicurus

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26 minutes ago, Woodenskye (Bryan) said:

I would go check.

I did before I posted above.?

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"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not;  remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." - Epicurus

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4 hours ago, Kev said:

Doesn’t that have reverse threads?


2 hours ago, Chet said:

The way the picture shows the bit, if you put the wrench on to the left of the bit, you would push down to loosen. 


1 hour ago, Coop said:

I don’t remember if they are left hand threads or not and I loaned mine to my brother. BW, check the threads on your other bit. 


19 minutes ago, Woodenskye (Bryan) said:

Not to send traffic to a different place, but go to the FOG and ask about the threads and removing a stuck bit.  I recently sold mine or I would go check.

Chet is right, the way he said it, however that is the way I was going and it was not budging. I did look into the FOG site while googling how to get it unstuck, but the few things I tried were not working from them and I didnt want to break it so I sent it back to Festool to get it taken care of. 

However, called up the brother in law and got to barrow his, so I only had a couple hour stoppage today for that fiasco. Did make some more progress as well when I got back .. 

Got the legs cut and angled @5*, put it together and it was flat on the tablesaw! 


Enjoying the mite saw area as this made it easy to measure once and get it right, then the 2nd leg on each was perfectly identical. 



Dry fit for the entire leg .. I am thinking that middle brace should better once everything gets rounded over a little more like the original picture. 



Had a quick test fit before the leg bottoms were cut and the leg braces were cut as well ... but I think it is looking pretty good so far.



Tomorrow, I am hoping to get the top glued together first thing to let that start drying, then while it is drying, start working on round over the legs. After that when the top is dry, hopefully will get going on the dovetail drawer design and see how that goes .. decided on that instead of just the stopped dado to give it a little more support and a little extra visual detail in it. 


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11 hours ago, Bushwacked said:

However, called up the brother in law and got to barrow his

Wow, two Dominos in one family.

That is some nice progress Drew.

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"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not;  remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." - Epicurus

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pretty productive day in the shop! 

Got the final width cut out .. you know what they say, when you need a straight line, bright out the red! ... or maybe I am the only one who says that ?



Worked on laying out the dovetails ... 





Busted out the sweet router table ... she wont be winning any beauty pageants, thats for sure haha



Worked on my test piece ... only 3 tries needed, I was completely shocked by that, I mentally prepared to be there for hours! 



I think they came out pretty good for first time ever doing that .. 

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Then on to see how it lays out and sanity check ... 


Still need to cut the drawer front to size ... 


rough positioning ... 


Then everything all tossed on there ... I think it is looking pretty good. 



Today, hopefully is another good day. Just working on a the top a little more and then I should be able to also start rounding over the legs and see how they look.

As for the table top .. whats better? I chamfer or round over on the part when you rest your arms? I am thinking round over to match the leg look, but not sure .. 

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In you series of pictures were you are cutting the dovetails in the bottom of your desk, it looks like you still needed to finish surfacing that side of the top.  Wouldn't cutting the dovetails first and then surfacing create an inconsistent depth of your dovetail?  

I am assuming I just missed something because your dry fit in the last picture looks fine. ?

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"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not;  remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." - Epicurus

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11 hours ago, Woodenskye (Bryan) said:

Great job!  I would go with a round over.  Did you use the LR32 to hog out some of the material for the sliding dovetail?  If so that is an ingenious idea.

Well, I used the rail to give me a straight line ... not the flippers or anything like that. Although, I dont see why that wouldnt work and give you a precise distance each time. I would defintely give it a go if I needed to be more precise in my distance. For this though, just marked it off with my white pencil 

8 hours ago, Chet said:

In you series of pictures were you are cutting the dovetails in the bottom of your desk, it looks like you still needed to finish surfacing that side of the top.  Wouldn't cutting the dovetails first and then surfacing create an inconsistent depth of your dovetail?  

I am assuming I just missed something because your dry fit in the last picture looks fine. ?

LOL! I never said I was an expert ... you are correct, I cut those while the base was still a little rough, the pics make it look way worse than it was. You are correct, I should have waited until it was further in the process. However the areas I was going over where at least flat for the router base to slide on so I didnt worry too much about it. Next time though, I will be waiting as it was little more nerve racking then it should have been. 

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planning out my wire management ... wasnt a big fan of the long channel they had in their desk, plus it only lends it self nicely to laptop power cords. So I went with my own of 2 1 3/8" holes with a nice roundover on them in both corners. 





Then my little buddy got home from daycare and asked to help sand ... he always finds it so funny that the sander moves on its own. (dont worry, no tabletop bases for harmed in taking the photo :P)



I walked in for dinner, and saw him sitting down at his lego station ... asked him what he was doing ... "Daddy I am building my own desk to hold things" - damn near brought a tear to my eye! Maybe I am doing something right haha ?


Photo Jul 16, 4 58 22 PM.jpg

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