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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Nice job! I wouldn't call the handles a "dud".. It's an interesting twist (no pun intended) and at least it's something different! Credit for trying something different! As you look at them over time, you'll find some refinements that you like and try it again. Nothing wrong with them is they are a part of any project that's a personal choice!
  2. Ok.. I've changed my mind.. Sign as big as you can the middle glass panel and ask your wife to touch it every time she needs to use the room! ?
  3. On the very top.. One day, someone will see that and realize that it is a custom built door made by a true craftsman!
  4. Outstanding fit and finish bud! Looks awesome in its new home! As an old friend on the old forum used to say, "sign and date it!"
  5. The only time I wear a watch is when I'm working in refineries.. Most don't allow you to have your phone on you and the nature of my work requires me to know what time it is.. When I'm home in the shop, I never have a watch on and rarely carry my phone either. For the most part, I don't care what time it is of what day of the week it is...lol
  6. Pictures or it didn't happen... Just sayin....
  7. Figure out how much trim is actually over the drywall. Set your TS height to that number. Rip that material off of the back sided. You're done. Custom fit trim. You're essentially just creating a wider rabbet around the outside. Yes, I've done this..
  8. Looking forward to the picture as I'm not completely sure I understand the issue..
  9. I have a couple with the plastic fingers and love the mag switch! The issue with the plastic fingers is that it can be a little too stiff. So, if the edges aren't perfectly parallel, it can be difficult to push through.
  10. I had seen these as I like the mag switch stuff but, wasn't sure how the foam/rubber portion would hold up.. Thanks for posting this!
  11. There was a post on the YT channel today that this is on sale right now as well at 30% off..
  12. Apologies for the missing video in this thread the last few days.. There was an issue with YouTube where people were getting this video in their regular feed so, I needed to pull it down for a bit.. The video is now public so, available in this thread again now.
  13. lol.. Now I gotta look through what I ordered and see if that was on the list....
  14. Kev


    Well, I think the end of this job is sneaking up quickly! Looks like I'll be home early in February but, as usual, that's subject to change...lol This (I think) will be the first project I do.. The only part of this I certain of is the top. The rest "could" change on the fly. Like many projects I do for my home, I'll start the build and design/redesign as I go and then develop the plans once all the details are final. Apologies for not being on here much! I've been working nights on this one so, it just seems I don't get much time at the computer.
  15. Sorry for slow response to this! Completely agree! This job should be done in the next couple weeks and this video is high on my list! I have some stuff sitting in the shop that I hope is the solution but, I won't know until I get home. So... Anything you guys come up with would certainly help! Personally, I don't think grinding down the nuts is the right answer! If it's a flaw in the design, I'd like to give that honest opinion when I do the video. If there's an awesome solution, I'd also like to be able to give that in the video as well.
  16. I'll start with apologies! I don't lump the folks here into this category but, I find it flooding my social media lately and I just want to vent. If you can't afford brand X, please don't post in your social media that you want brand X but only if it's a screaming deal because you can't afford brand X! I get it! Everyone wants a good deal on whatever they purchase but, my social media feed is getting stupid with people looking for free stuff! Stepping off of my soap box now and resuming normal posting..
  17. I'll probably go with the corded version but, I don't have the cord management issue. I've always just used electrical tape and taped the cord to the hose. Velcro strips would work well too.. I have the boom arm and a dedicated parking space for it so, that really helps with the cord management. lol.. Yea, we bought 2 tracks saws on that trip... They both went to good people that still use them today.
  18. I have to agree with @Chetabout it being a tough question! My least favorite is the jigsaw to the point that I typically use a battery Dewalt most of the time. From there, I actually appreciate most of them just about equally as they are the right tool to get the job done when I reach for them. Now, with that said, there are some things that I will eventually change in my FT collection. 1. I'll probably add the TS 55. I have the 75 but, it's just a bit bulky for breaking down sheet goods. 2. I'll probably remove the 125 sander as I just don't use it that often. Only really comes in handy when moving through grits and having 2 sanders set up and ready to go. 3. I'll probably remove the jig saw from my collection all together. 4. I have a drill but, only use it when I need the 90 degree attachment. It's a nice drill but, rarely used. Not sure what I want to do here! Leave the situation as is or switch them all over to only have one battery charger. What's holding me back from making the wanted changes? Mostly the storage I have for these items in the shop. It would force me to reconfigure the storage space I have and I haven't done my homework to know if I'm removing enough to equal what I want to add. Great conversation topic!
  19. I'm afraid I spent more than 6 bucks..lol. I ordered several different things to see if I could land on one thing that I think works best.
  20. I've had a downdraft table suggested to me many times as a good video project. Since I use Festool for sanding, it was just never really in the cards for me. I like it though!
  21. Thanks for posting.. I'll try and do a follow up video after I get home as there seems to be enough difficulty with this. I ordered some parts on Amazon this morning.. So, we'll see how they work out soon! I like the idea of making a bunch of them!
  22. I would expect the up/down to be a little stiff as that's a lot of weight on that machine. I'm assuming you've dried some dry lube and wax?
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