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  1. Wow that looks like a piece of fine furniture!! Awesome job! Thanks for sharing 🙂
  2. Very Nice!! What did you use for glass?
  3. I suspect it will be worth every penny of that 🙂
  4. To me that sounds like solid logic right there. No I did not I'll have to check it out 🙂 I'll tell you what I paid $899 plus tax for mine and at that price it is by far one of the best tools for the price in my shop. I like the new gauge on this one (just from the pic) as mine can be hard to read where its at.
  5. Not exactly. If I had unlimited room and could afford 12" separates I would probably go that route. I don't so I went with the combo machine and for the most part have been happy with it. I bought the separate planner becuase it has a Shelix head and was actually relatively cheap at under $1K I wanted to see if I thought the Shelix head was worth all the hype given the Tersa straight blades in the Hammer are so good, it is but the Tersa knives are great the shelix is just better. The negative about a combo is switching over but as long as you plan your workout its fine. If you miss a board or have to redu one its a bit of a pain. this is where the 12" Oliver comes to play for me I also find myself using it on curly or figured wood for small boxes etc. I have less the $5K total into both machines and you simply can't buy separates for that price, period. You also can't fit them into the space that these fit into. I have had the Hammer for about 15-17 yrs ish don't remember exactly have used 4 sets of knives, and replaced a capacitor ($35) and it has been dead accurate with no adjustments in that time. I know folks will say you don't need a 12" jointer but I use boards wider then 8" on a regular basis and would never go back to a jointer less than 12". I also hear about the short bed argument and will just say outside of my Roubo bench build it has never been an issue I felt that needed to be addressed. I think the new Hammer folds straight back and that would be awesome for space, mine is like bat wings and takes more room. Bottom line for me and my shop I would go with the same setup again without any concern. If I was to upgrade it would be to the Felder AD 951 but its like 2.5 times the cost and honestly I just can't justify it and trust me I have tried LOL.
  6. Fit the bottom panel Ready for final spray This is my go to small project spray finish Bottom attached Not a perfect 4 way match but other then a few wood workers I should be safe 🙂 I'll let this rest about a week and then do a quick wax buff out, It should really pop. Oh and I started another one just because I had the veneers cut and ready to go 🙂 I'm hoping by having a couple on hand I won't need any for a while lol
  7. Dang...2 months LOL Anywho after finally sourcing some 1/8" MDF (Amazon crafts supplies) I was able to make the back panel sandwich this evening. Shop sawn 1/16" veneer front and back on an 1/8" mdf core. You can see the rough panel here to the left. I also glued in the tabs that will hold the panel.
  8. I went with the one out of the plans but like Kev mentioned really a personal choice.
  9. 😮 yeah the light would be nice the other two I could care less about and at $4200 better be a damn good base saw.
  10. Man you nailed this video!! I'm right there with you on several items you mentioned. My biggest regret...Not putting dust collector in a enclosure outside off the back of my building. I didn't becuase of our weather but have since convinced my self that it would have been fine to have it in an unconditioned space. It just doesn't run that long, at least in my shop, to cause an issue with heat and air. Unfortunately to change it now would be a wasted effort for me becuase I placed the furnace/ac in the same closet so while it would help with noise really wouldn't help with layout. I also feel you on the lathe dust collection although after 20 years of trying multiple setups I'm just not convinced this can be solved. My current set up is a 5" hose to the back side of the lather it at least gets all the small particles. Wood storage...can a woodworker ever really solve this one LOL Lastly windows. I have a wall of windows (3 + a window entry door) in my shop which I absolutely love, It makes it a bright and inviting place to work. Having said that it takes up a huge amount of wall space I could really use. In the end I honestly don't think I would change it though I just like the brightness of my shop.
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