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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Kev

    Wood source

    I have a lathe, we got that covered!
  2. Agreed! Reminds me of the Incra 5k but, a much less expensive solution! Nice job Chet!
  3. Kev

    Wood source

    We'll teach an old dog some new tricks ?
  4. Kev

    Wood source

    Everyone has to start somewhere and I think he’s teachable ?
  5. Kev

    Wood source

    Hey, I can alway use somebody good with a broom ? I'm sure we'd find some good projects to make a mess with!
  6. Kev

    Wood source

    I could sell them like wildfire at the local farmers market but, my truck is already full...
  7. Same answer.. That may have been just a day for me (probably not) but, I'd give up quite a bit right now for that chance..
  8. Sounds like a great time in the shop! I'd give up quite a bit right now to spend a day like that!
  9. Kev


    Agreed.. I need to look a little closer at the stop.. I think it can be modified to be a bit better..
  10. Kev

    Wood source

    No, unfortunately I'm still in OK and we just got extended a little more.
  11. Kev


    Awesome! I thought you'd like that table!
  12. Kev

    Covid screen

    Cost should be material plus labor (what ever your shop rate is) and add about 10% for consumables and overhead. I've found that works well for not taking it in the shorts myself and still being very fair to the client. I don't add any mark up on any material but, I do usually purchase 20% more material than the job calls for to account for defects.
  13. With your base and top species choices, you can get away with just about anything you'd like for the chop.. Chop really doesn't take up much lumber.. And, you can laminate to create variation if you'd like..
  14. Yea, I agree with Chet.. For some reason, I thought your bench was shorter.. I'd suggest to pick a direction and either building the top or the base first. I'm not sure it really matters which. Buy and build that portion first and then figure out what you need for the rest.
  15. Well, split top or not, the BF requirements are not that much different as the only difference is in the top. Now, if memory serves me correctly, your build is for shorter bench? I wouldn't think the BF requirement would be that different..
  16. Kev

    Grizzly bandsaw

    Awesome! Happy for you!
  17. Kev

    Grizzly bandsaw

    You're not the only one with that issue.. I'm sure there's many of us in that boat, including me..
  18. Kev

    Grizzly bandsaw

    Well, the bandsaw is a good one to tune up often if you use it much.. Good to have the skills at your fingertips as it speeds up the process..
  19. Kev


    Yes.. Your local BORG will have an array of sprays but, I'd suggest checking with locals to see what works best..
  20. Kev

    Grizzly bandsaw

    Not much.. No more than the 14"
  21. Kev

    Grizzly bandsaw

    17 is a good saw and I'm pretty sure it will run a 1/4" blade.. Double check that to be sure! I'm not at home so, don't have ready access to my manual.
  22. Kev


    Cool idea! Great use of the space!
  23. Coop's wasn't free.. I can help you with a link to order one or 2 if you'd like?
  24. Kev

    Grizzly bandsaw

    Ok.. That was 2 hours ago... My ears are burning up ?
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