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Everything posted by Coop

  1. My wife would hold me a gunpoint to keep me away but I would take the bullet!
  2. Probably hasn’t had time to get them developed yet. Patience! ?
  3. You, Chet and Bryan make for a helluva team. I’m kinda liking the groove. You can tell Mom, it’s your own unique design! Yeah, soften it a bit.
  4. You bet your ass you can or I’m out of here. We are on your side bud. Thank you for your service!!!
  5. Man, I appreciate the offer! I checked on line after typing this and found the same. It has been a while since we had a hard frost and then, I would be betting against my tomatoes and they would be pissed. I guess I’m better just buying it fresh from the grocery store. Thanks again for the offer! It on top of prime rib or mixed in a cocktail concoction over raw oysters, can’t be beat! K
  6. Horseradish! I love that stuff and never thought about growing my own. I need to find a variety that will grow well down here. How did you get your starter plant?
  7. I think I would rather watch glue dry than wait on a tool needed to complete a job. And in the far past, I’ve even tried an alternate tool and ended up wishing I hadn’t. Jamie, getting things wrapped up for the winter? Like raking leaves and picking peaches off the trees? ?
  8. My past cull qualifications were that if it’s shorter than the required 12” of the 735, and less than 1” thick, and doesn’t have a great grain pattern, and can’t be used for something else, then burn it. Every thing else, it will come in handy in the future. Thus you see my addiction.
  9. I am trying to get rid of scrap piles, the three gallon bucket of cauls included. I realized I had a problem years ago and am just finally trying to work on it. Withdrawal is a bitch! ?
  10. Coop

    Bandsaw blades

    Timber Wolf is good as well. Usually though, when placing an order with Highlands, I will include a couple of blades. The 1/4” on both allow for a pretty small radius cut.
  11. You didn’t have too. Growing up, I had a mop handle in my hand, Mom saw to that. Went to work for my dad out of college and that was the first tool I had. Got married and, ...... well, you know where that goes!
  12. Coop

    Bandsaw blades

    I think it’s Chestnut on WTO that breaks them all the time. You’re right, it would throw me for a loop the first time! And in the still of the night, time to go inside and clean up??
  13. Thanks Jamie. As usual, I over thank (sic) the whole process and Kev reeled me in. Prior to, they were stacked atop each other and resting on the floor. To get to one, I moved all three. I added the handles on the crosscut sled and it made a real difference.
  14. Coop

    Bandsaw blades

    +1 and I like Woodslicer and so far have dulled them but never broken one. Stuck my neck out on that one.
  15. Uh bud! On a Woodworking forum you need to fudge a bit and say you came home teetotaly friggin drunk instead of you were mopping the floors! ? Just messin with ya!
  16. Or simpler yet, quit running into the wall. ?
  17. Thanks Bryan. And yes, that is true as I found out cutting these strips that will hold the glass in place on my door. I did like Kev suggests, just sneak up on it. However, if you were to make large frames often, you could make a longer extension to contain the stop blocks.
  18. Y’all are right, I tend to over complicate things. Same space but are now up off the floor with no modifications to the sleds. Thanks
  19. I currently have a dedicated piece that is removable from the left side of the blade. Simply a 1x that attaches to the operators side of the sled that I can attach a stop too. I’ll do some modifications to the sled tomorrow. Thanks for all’s input.
  20. So in y’all’s opinion the minimum width of a cross cut sled should be what, left and right of the blade?
  21. Ok, a dedicated cabinet. Right now, mine lives between the a cabinet and the fridge. My mind has changed courses from the side of the ts to where they are now. Thinking of adding the sliding tray to the side of the cabinet. Would like to get them off the floor and more easily accessible. First consideration is the larger of the three, the crosscut sled.
  22. When you get a chance, will you provide a link to your video? You know me and my search capabilities! Thanks.
  23. With the above thought in mind, this will be like a drawer mounted on it’s side, with almost all of the weight riding on the bottom glide. And it weighs approx. 8-10 lbs. will this affect the “ slide of the glide”?
  24. I guess I should have reverse engineered mine but at the time, I figured bigger is better. Not thinking about storage or even weight. I like the 30” depth of mine that allows for a 24” panel but I could probably reduce the width from 34” down to maybe 26”. That would allow me to build a slide out bracket that would fit under the top and to the side of my ts, mounted somehow on drawer glides.
  25. Having moved to working 3 days a week, every other week, I find myself with time, trying to organize my shop. Where do you guys locate your sleds, given the afore mentioned 3 sleds? Pics would certainly help. Thanks
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