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Everything posted by Coop

  1. Well worth the sacrificial fire wood. Good job bud!
  2. Anyone know off the top of your head, what the differences are, except for Bryan’s ?!
  3. I have the V120 with the extension arm and it works great.
  4. Now you’ve started something! Both look great!
  5. It’s just that I usually don’t have time during the day to participate in the forum and try to catch up in the evening and am surprised at the limit. Maybe I should limit my enthusiasm?
  6. Back in my days, there were no limits. Pissed me off back then but grateful now! Kev, what are the limits of likes?
  7. Sorry, no more likes but by golly, I remember wearing them when the schoolmarm would slap our hands with a 2x! ?
  8. Yep, that’s what they used to call chain mail. Almost identical to the armour used by the Romans, even before my days!
  9. I currently have 4 ea. 8’ double lamp fixtures in my 24’x24’ shop and would really like to not have to move them but to make better use with the led tubes. I’ll go to HD tomorrow to see what my choices are. Thanks all for your help. Anything to get rid of those darn ballast operated machines!
  10. Yeah, a goldendoodle. I was being facetious about the gloves. They would have to be made of chain mail to help. The vet today gave us some helpful hints on the biting and recommended a powder to apply to the wounds to stop the bleeding. ?
  11. I’ve had Labs in the past that were useful when there was a duck in the water but I fail to realize the value in this mutt other than to provide companionship to my wife when I’m in the shop. Luckily we have agreed to not breed her, although it would be nice to recoup the purchase price.
  12. Well, sometimes, out of cameras view, only to appease the wife. I also have second shift at 5:00 damn a.m to take her out to potty. Happy wife, happy puppy!
  13. Thank you so much for your in depth reply. I will go to each of the links provided and look at them tomorrow! ?
  14. That’s tight like last night! Damn nice!
  15. I knew s#*t from Sherlock about Woodworking when I got involved and thought I would start with decorative boxes. Maybe I should curse Stowe instead of praise him, due to the rabbit hole he created?
  16. Thanks! Hope you have a comfortable flight home.
  17. You’re probably right! A zillion of an inch wouldn’t matter on the angle as where it meets the corresponding angle is undetectable, especially with a rail or stile separating them.
  18. BW, get “Basic Box Making” by Doug Stowe. It has some neat boxes and Doug’s instructions are as easy to follow as Marc’s. It’s where I got my start. But don’t let that deter you! ?
  19. Beautiful piece Kev. You must be really proud! Couple of questions. Did you make the bevel on each individual piece and then go to the next as in the video or did you run all thru at one time to keep the consistent setting on your fence? Also, did you have a test piece to get the bevel on the ends correct to allow for the added fence? Hope that makes sense?
  20. Of all people! Tell me you take the lop sided newspaper as well? If Fox published a news paper with comics, I would wait by the street until it arrived in my pj’s!
  21. @Chet, do you see any wear and tear on your filter from the paddle?
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