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Woodenskye (Bryan)

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Everything posted by Woodenskye (Bryan)

  1. I agree, I just don’t know why this pops into my head every time I see it done. I totally own the strange inter workings of my brain!
  2. So watched the video, vise came out great. Every time I see someone chisel out a nut, I always have the same question pop in my head. Would it be possible to use a HCM instead of a chisel. I have no idea why this question enters my brain, I’m strange I know.
  3. Your right about the domino not being seen. Is there another type of joinery you have never done before that would be seen, like a lock miter or something?
  4. Sliding DT would probably look better, but a dado is easier or you could do a through domino butt joint. As for length since the depth is only 6” I would do the whole thing.
  5. What about a slide out vertical tray for the wrenches and inserts, obviously this may change the width.
  6. Like the glue brush holder! Cabinets are looking good.
  7. Only way not to spend money at HW dealer is to leave wallet at home, locked up or in wife’s possession.
  8. I think once you click through Kev’s affiliate page to your page, it automatically remembers and goes to your page. I could be wrong.
  9. Welcome! Very well done outfeed and assembly table.
  10. Coop. I looked at that photo several times before my first response, it is hard to tell exactly what the width difference is between upper case stile and legs without the panel. From the angle of the photo it looked like both assemblies were the same size, which is why I asked if the top was narrower than the bottom. You answered top is 1” difference. So if you add the stiles to the bottom assembly, how wide will they be? Are you going to have them flush with the legs or thinner so to create a reveal for lack of better term? If flush that led to my comment about legs being chunky.
  11. So how much of a difference in the stiles on the top to the part on bottom you are concerned about?
  12. Is the base wider than the top? If it is, I would center the top on the bottom and not add any stiles. I would think that may look strange. If they are the same, then adding the stile should work, but you may have a new issue that if the stiles make the leg look really chunky, may through off the design/result you want.
  13. I think a short wrap up video would be a good thing. I also like Chet’s suggestion of including the entire room if these are the final pieces for the room.
  14. Coop, it looks like the top section is a lot taller in your drawing than the photo. I think 2 panels would be fine but to me the smaller panel on top would be my choice. Wife wins, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
  15. Can you edit in the portion from the first video if construction is all the same? I think you would be fine with a simple explanation and direct to other videos.
  16. Coop, I’m not following the 1 drawer thing. I get your making it basically the width of the case, but if your going super deep, I think that is a mistake from a function standpoint. If you made exactly like above, I would do 2 full width drawers, for the top portion, I would keep as 1 raised panel per door, I think 2 would look strange with the wide drawers.
  17. I would do 2 just Incase you have a work situation again.
  18. 64 mortises cut and dry fit in a day. Reason why the domino might be the biggest woodworking invention/game changer in the last 25 years.
  19. I like the looks of this better, just seems to be more appealing to the eye.
  20. I get it’s simple, but someone new watches this, then you have just proven to be a subject expert
  21. I know this is going to sound very simple, but may be useful and really haven’t seen these 3 covered often, not just you, but other content creators. 1) Do you and how you strain or thin your finish. 2)How do you store excess between coats if you have extra in the pot. 3) Cleaning at the end. This may add too much time or work, but it really seems you are shooting for an extremely comprehensive series with these.
  22. Coop the five cut method isn’t that difficult, when I built my sled, I raised the blade, put the Woodpeckers square against the blade, then put the fence on. That was probably accurate enough but then did 5 cut, made adjustments with feeler gauge and did again. Whole process probably took 10-15 minutes. I wish I would have made my 45 cut like Kev, maybe I can fix.
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