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Everything posted by Coop

  1. Coop


    That just looks like one massive mother! Watch for glue squeeze out drips on your ts. They leave ugly dark grey spots that are a bugger to get out.
  2. Coop


    Bryan, how long ago did you use it and what is the color now compared to when you used it? What did you use it for?
  3. Coop


    I bet you marked the Domino locations in relation to your final cut so there are no surprises. Question I should have asked myself on a previous project.😀
  4. Coop


    Yeah, further investigation says on the Janna scale, it the second hardest wood in the world. Perhaps I should choose an alternate. Thanks
  5. Coop


    Either my search skills are lacking or it hasn’t been mentioned on here. I need to build a couple of small end tables for our patio and if I like the resulting looks of the wood, a couple of larger tables. Google search shows it used mainly for decking. Have any of you had experience with this stuff?
  6. Is this for a set? Someone somewhere posted a set from one of the big box stores that the depth was adjustable and I bought them. The adjustment is a pair of Allen screws that set into the flute of a tapered bit. Probably my fault but the bit broke and it wasn’t a replaceable bit. Chunk that one. I’m not sure I don’t care about the price but just hate like heck to put good money after bad.
  7. Looking great Chet! Yeah, I would think the female first, then the male, like mortise and tenons. What counter sink bit are you using?
  8. Coop


    Sorry I let you down bud. I was still researching 12 ga. vs. 14 ga. orange extension cords and something new out called a battery backup with a surge protector. Don’t sound like you need the orange cord though?
  9. Coop


    That wild! Now this is going to live in the same space as your current desk, same top configuration, just different base setup?
  10. Coop


    Glad you took my advise😀
  11. No apologies necessary bud! We appreciate all that you do to keep this great site in order. Minor inconvenience!
  12. Coop


    Very well done. Only thing I would have done differently would be the pulls, a single wider one in the middle, not requiring two hands.
  13. Please provide a reference location or link to the previous post. I’m the worlds worst at searching for these kind of things. What will this be used for?
  14. @Chet, on a similar note, will this nailer live in the original hard case? The reason for asking is that I’ve heard several people say they discard them but not the Festool sustainers. For me, a tool that is used infrequently stays in the original box.
  15. I recently bought my first pin nailer to hold the glass retainer strips in my door and can see using it frequently. It’s a Bostitch 23 ga. and it works great. The only down side is that the safety is a double trigger and you don’t depress the head to fire it. I learned quickly though after one misfire. I returned my first Amazon product Saturday and kind of felt bad about sending it back but ...... not really!
  16. LOL! Verbatim! Get off the sofa!!!!! But honey .......... This got high jacked fast. Sorry!
  17. Funny but true. Between the three of us, the puppy rules and that needs to be changed. All of my adult life, I’ve had labs and have trained them as pets and as retrievers. This damn Goldendoodle needs to be sent back to doggy heaven to be re-programmed.
  18. You contradict yourself. The first post you said under addition info that it is end grain and in your last, you said face grain. Can you flip it over and declare the good side as the top by putting a juice groove in it?
  19. Mom taught me early on how to push a broom. I can’t seem to teach my wife’s puppy to sit but my broom caught on pretty quickly.
  20. I notice that when I move my ts fence to the left and go to lock it in place, that it shifts a tad to the left. Same way when I move it to the right. Probably no correlation?
  21. Aside from politics, taxes and cost of living, I very well could be your neighbor!
  22. I don’t have a lift but if this happened on my router table, I would suspect trash in the collet area not allowing the bit to seat correctly.
  23. Chet, notice I didn’t mention CA out of respect and also lack of knowledge! ?
  24. I would have guessed NY or Florida. Didn’t know NY and NJ’s governors were joined at the skull.
  25. Coop


    First pic: the vertical pieces under clamps on the top backside, one taller than the other. Are these cauls? Is the top flush with the sides?
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