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Everything posted by Coop

  1. Kev, another couple of questions as usual. 1) When you cut the dovetails in the sides, was the initial cut with the router using a straight cutting bit or with the dt bit itself? I tried to zoom in but couldn’t tell. I’ve never made these myself. 2) You mentioned that you set the height of your bit to 3/8”, the same as your ts blade. How are those two relevant?
  2. Jamie, I would like to upgrade from my Jet and have considered the Harvey but don’t know of anyone who has actually owned one. Sure wish you would make the leap and inform us! Which model are you eyeballing? BW, what Harvey machine do you have?
  3. Beautiful job Jamie. I love those chairs and you did this one justice. I wish I had room for one.
  4. Guess I’ll have to wait till it hits ABC or NBC! 😳
  5. Chet, do you have a link to this? I would love to see it!
  6. They probably have no idea who they just screwed and probably didn’t care but, I bet they do now! Like Kev, good for him for putting it out there!
  7. I’m thinking, with the weight, that shallow dados and Dominoes might be the answer albeit, labor intensive. Or the support blocks that Kev mentioned. Or pocket holes from underneath.
  8. Couldn’t this be cut on the ts with the board flat against the surface? Set the fence to make the left cut and a stop block the thickness of your board against the fence for your right cut using the miter gauge to keep the board square to the blade. As the cut on the bottom side of the board will be deeper, flip the board over to even up the cuts on the other side. Remove the waste with a jig saw and trim with a chisel.
  9. I see. So the rails are universal and not included with his stop?
  10. I see that Katz does this on several of”his” products. One is the ts blades that I recently purchased but really do like. Did you use this on your miter saw bench and what is the length?
  11. Cool is a good description. Well done bud! Like a lazy Susan for drinks and snacks!
  12. If that was the only miter saw on the market, I would have to resort to one of these. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Stanley-14-5-in-Deluxe-Clamping-Miter-Box-with-14-in-Saw-20-600D/100034395?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D25T-025_001_HAND_TOOLS-NA-Multi-NA-SMART-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-Hand_Tools&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D25T-025_001_HAND_TOOLS-NA-Multi-NA-SMART-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-Hand_Tools-71700000086053656-58700007291967538-92700072581141420&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn9CgBhDjARIsAD15h0BSDr9RMsiQmmdF2kndQ7bcE_2S35Bc7gP4dKPAXusQECghSm6X3K4aAq80EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  13. Assuming you meant that there is no front fence,I agree on all points. In fact, I retract my initial statement and will be building one as my next project, regardless of the price of bb.
  14. Neat video Kev. I think I have asked this before but what is the difference in a panel sled and a cross cut sled. Also, what is the advantage of a panel sled over a cross cut sled other than: 1) less bulk and weight. 2) a tad more depth from back of board to the blade. I don’t know that I would build one of these now that I have a cross cut sled but would definitely build one in lieu of if I didn’t already have a sled. I say that now but as I get older, I may reconsider. 😁
  15. I’m no longer a framer! Delivered these suckers today!
  16. Thanks! The grass won’t be green long if we don’t get rain soon. It’s been almost 3 weeks now and the temps have been in the mid 80’s here lately.
  17. Kev, I failed to give you credit on another idea of yours. I have been using a clipboard on my projects and it hangs in a dedicated place and sure is handy keeping all relevant notes and drawings in one place.
  18. Jamie, I too use the foam board but usually only on my first crosscut to get the size manageable, then I make subsequent cuts on a pair of sawhorses. One, it allows you room below the board for the clamps and two, at my age, it’s less wear and tear on the knees.
  19. And why am I not seeing this as a video?
  20. Here’s 9 of the 13 with one coat of ARS.
  21. To bring new life to an old thread. A good friend and ex-employee is an amateur photographer and has been asked to show some of his prints at a local gallery. He asked me to make him some simple frames from 5/4 walnut. There is one ea. 45”x33”, 8 ea. 25”x19” and four ea. 38”x28” frames. When you posted this video, I followed your instructions and have used the sled many times. Well now, it has become invaluable on this project. Due to the lengths of the pieces, I had to remove the adjustable stop blocks and improvise by adding longer ones. The 90* angles are spot on! Just wanted to say thanks! Coop p.s. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking when I agreed to take on this project! 😁
  22. That’s sweet! What is going in the left compartment?
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