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Everything posted by Coop

  1. Coop

    Shop Tweaks

    Kev, the capped hardboard, did you route that with a hand held or on the router table?
  2. Coop

    Shop Tweaks

    Great idea. Probably not a pencil left on the shelf in Flathead County! 😁
  3. With the demo and prep work going now, will they be pouring the slab before September?
  4. Hey Ray! Fantastic canvas to work with. Are there firm dimensions yet?
  5. Hey Ray! Welcome to the forum. You must be the lucky guy getting the new shop? Looking forward to the progress and any contribution here you might have.
  6. Ray was not as generous to his wife with space as you were. Still a nice size for both!
  7. You mentioned watching glue dry. Do you wait for the glue to dry before cutting the kerfs for the splines or depend on the blue tape? I normally give the glue a chance to dry.
  8. Kev, is that banded ply below the hardboard top? Did you glue and screw the hardboard or just screws?
  9. That’s a bunch of space to reach over to access the clamps!
  10. What are the four wood 2x2 (?) strips, just to left of the dc drop? Cauls?
  11. Thanks guys. I obviously have no evidence to substantiate this but I would guess that current system collects less than 10% of the dust whereas the dc system collects 95% or better on my ds, bs and jointer. Kev and Chet, do your chutes rise and fall with the blade height or is it permanently affixed to the bottom? I’m wondering too if some sort of compressed air injection would keep the dust suspended more to let the dc system do a better job?
  12. I would venture to guess that you go thru many more bf of cuts than I do and I probably clean mine out every other month. Depending on the complexity of the accessibility, I may give it a try. However, I bet it will just create a tunnel in the area around the outlet and not make a significant difference.
  13. The dust collection port on my ts is located on the back side at the bottom and does an incredibly poor job. Dust collection at other machines work well so I know that suction is not a problem. It seems that all of the dust in the ts builds at the front and I guess is due to the rotation of the blade. I was thinking of adding a port on the bottom, near the front. Does anyone have something similar and has it improved the performance?
  14. That’s a neat deal! Those numbers are awesome. I think it looks a lot better horizontal too! Good job.
  15. Where will the compressor that feeds the reel live? Sorry if you’ve already mentioned it.
  16. Kev, what is the purpose of the fourth vertical piece from the left, including the side and why is it 1” shy of the piece to the left of it?
  17. My edge banding is the nice uniform edges that the BB ply provides. 😁
  18. Kev, the bench design looks great but my biggest concern would be reaching over the 2’ to access the clamps. I would do a cardboard mockup to make sure it doesn’t hinder your reach.
  19. A drum sander is nice to have but for this project, you need an oscillating spindle sander.
  20. @Muttley000, do you have that thick of stock to make them from one piece without laminating two pieces together? If not, then Chet’s suggestion of bent lamination would be the way to go, IMO.
  21. I’m more inclined to go with @Chet’s suggestion using the bs and spindle sander. These are smallish parts and not something I would trust with the mega router bit.
  22. Kev, you’ve certainly done prettier videos with the end results being a lovely piece of furniture. But I think this is the best, production and educational wise, that you have done. You certainly have more woodworking experience than I have but I can’t think of anything that I could add to this. A definite Primer for new woodworkers and a reminder for those of us with more experience. Well done Bud!
  23. Now that’s hard to imagine! How did they come out?
  24. I bet that was a bugger moving by yourself. Looking forward to the build.
  25. So you used a dado stack and the fence?
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