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Everything posted by Coop

  1. The rock work looks great. Nailed or screwed?
  2. Even a large shop tends to get smaller! Still big enough to be a dance hall! 😁 Looking good!
  3. Coop

    Bandsaw Safety

    There is/was a member on WT that posted a video this same type of incident a couple of years ago. He was slicing a thin round of wood and it beans or broke his blade and damaged the shroud.
  4. If you weren’t retired, I was thinking you were not getting much sleep with the progress you’ve made. Looking good bud!
  5. Great progress Ray! Are you retired? Are you going to insulate the ceiling prior to rocking it? Have you considered getting one of these? They are well worth the money. Not sure about this particular brand. My brothers father-in-law was in the sheet metal business years ago and made one similar and I borrowed it to rock my garage. Oh, that’s right, you’ve got Kev and a 6’ ladder! 😁 https://www.northerntool.com/products/ironton-drywall-and-panel-hoist-150-lb-capacity-11ft-lift-4987800?cm_mmc=Google-LIA&utm_source=Google_LIA&utm_medium=Construction > Panel Handling&utm_campaign=Ironton&utm_content=4987800&ogmap=SHP|LIA|GOOG|STND|c|SITEWIDE|||||856744510|42214681823&gclid=CjwKCAjwgsqoBhBNEiwAwe5w0x-C6--ACk4Nna15MvxNvLHzscW5HLLlnuR_hI5BFHcX0GZIxcNiuxoCAw4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  6. Paul, did you happen to do a journal on this table addressing the micro adjust knobs. That’s a neat deal!
  7. You guys have a whole lot more experience in tables of all sorts than I, but as you already have the “Forever Bench” with the split top and dog holes, I would definitely go with the bench that @pkinneb posted.
  8. Paul, that is a beautiful, functional and versatile bench. What does the top of the torsion box consist of? What are the dimensions of the top, roughly?
  9. WOW, That’s an amazing sheet of canvas. I envy you and Kev on the layout and you as the owner! Thanks for the update.
  10. I just discovered a new talent, or new to me. Check out his song, “Rich Men North of Richmond”.
  11. Beautiful work Paul! I’m so sorry for your loss.
  12. And there’s not crap strewn all over your yard. Amazing!
  13. These rails and stiles if you will are made up of three pieces laminated together and the inside of each is beveled which eliminates a butt joint. I’m toying with the idea of placing a block on the corners and butting up to them. I played with some mock-up pieces on Kev’s sled but the ts blade is not high enough to cut all the way thru. The handsaw is not a bad idea with the aid of a few clamps. I like Bob’s idea as well.
  14. Thanks Bob and it is a one off. Great idea, thanks!
  15. If this isn’t the right location, feel free to move it. I need to make 45* miter cuts on 80” and adjoining 60” pieces of approx 3” square pieces. I don’t have a dedicated miter saw bench but do have a compound miter saw. I’ve tried on scrap pieces that are no where as long as my intended pieces with little success. I do have Kev’s miter sled and I guess, with added support for the lengths, it might work. For this project, I could throw together a temporary miter saw bench and dial the saw in. Question is, for those that have a dedicated bench, do you get quality, finish cut miters? My only other thought is to build a shooting board, which I have absolutely no experience with. Second thought, with Kev’s sled and the thickness of the piece, the ts blade will not raise high enough to make the cut.
  16. And no inside load bearing walls to contend with. That’s great!
  17. What are your plans when you do go? Assist in the layout?
  18. If Ray is smart, he will have the ceiling insulated before you arrive and he can use your head to hold the sheetrock in place while he attaches it! 😁
  19. I was just wondering about the progress. I bet you are excited!
  20. I remembered on my last two orders!
  21. Paul, will you be doing a short video demonstrating the use of the shave horse, I hope!
  22. The chair is absolutely beautiful! Great job.
  23. I just assumed that you didn’t pay the rent! 😁
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