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L Shaped Sit Stand

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Just at the beginning stages of this part of a very large project.  Best I give some background of the bigger project before talking about the desk.

I currently edit video, do VoiceOver, etc in my home office.  It works well but, there are some acoustic issues that I can't really control without changing the look of our master bedroom.  Additionally, I find myself spending a great deal of "after hours" time continuing to work on these projects because the space is so convenient.  And lastly, it's very difficult to control background "household" noises when trying to do VoiceOver work.


My wife also does some on line things that require some personal space and decent acoustics which she as been either doing at the kitchen table or in her quilting room since she doesn't have an actual "office space".

So, to attempt to correct this, we're going to convert her "visiting quilter" area in her quilting room into an office space for both of us.


All of this will be going away and the new L shaped sit/stand desk will be put in its place.  Of course there will be storage cabinets and other things built for the area as well but, I'm going to start with the desk to make the area functional first.

My wife and I have had a lot of conversations around this project!  Both of us agree that we don't have to match the other furniture in the room but, haven't quite settled on the species for the top.  Most likely a lighter species but, my wife doesn't like the yellowing effect that oil finishes produce so, will most likely be going to a water based finish.  Might even try something new like Total Boat for this..  Not quite a shop project but, not too far off either.

Some additional features that we both want.

  • There will be a dedicated computer to the location that we'll both use.
  • Computer monitors will be attached to the desk top 
  • Dedicated camera attachment for online stuff
  • New sound system 
  • Microphone dedicated to the area
  • Ability to add a back drop to clean up any captured video in this location as well as help with acoustics
  • Dedicated raid drive system for large files and with the ability to share in the house
  • Separate drawer storage for each of us
  • Dedicated task lighting
  • Functional cord management

That's about all I can think of for now.  It all starts with the desk and the stand was ordered yesterday.  Time to pick out some top material!

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Worked on some designs today as well as talking some details with my wife..  Here's the basic drawing.


Only the center section will be the sit/stand desk.  The cabinets on either side will be fixed height for general storage.  One for my wife and one for me.

I also created a drawing with some general dimensions to keep me on track in the shop.


As of right now, the desk top will be in Sapele with the Potassium Dichromate finish that I did on the trestle table.  Apparently, my wife liked this finish more than I thought she did.  The side tables are slated to be in quilted maple and finished with a water based finish..

I'm still not sure if I like the different tops.  Working on convincing my wife to do the cabinets in maple and the tops on them in Sapele.  If I can find a way to win that battle, then I'll work on the drawer fronts..

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Just now, Coop said:

So, the existing beautiful desks will go by the wayside?

Sad to say but, yes.  I'll keep the original maple top just for lumber needs.  The cabinets under are cheap garbage so, not hurt feelings with those going.

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Just now, Coop said:

Does a-sit/stand desk mean that the top(s) will be adjustable in heights? 

Yes..  Just like the Cherry one I did several months ago.  Only difference is this one will be an L shape


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After sleeping on this design, I wasn't happy with the side stands..  Even though this is very much a utilitarian desk, it was just too blocky and blah!  So back to the drawing board for the side stands..


Added the legs, upper/lower rails, and inset drawers.  I also added the small curve at the bottom.

With my wife liking the changes, I added this version back to the desk so we could have a better look.


Dimensions are pretty much the same..


Still working on the color part!  Not sure I like the lighter side panels but, they're in for now.


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Not sure if this post will stay through the move but, thought I'd add it anyway..

Rough milled lumber for the top today.  Still one 6" board from having all the material for the top.  A couple of the boards had some twist to them so, I milled flat well over size and I'll see what they do..


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I'm at a bit of a stand still really..  My HW dealer is out of Sapele until tomorrow and I need one more piece for the top.

So, I took the scrap off cuts that I had and resawed them to use for drawer fronts later.  This is the first time I got to use the new fence.  Was pretty good I must admit!  I also used the Harvey RG2 roller guide as the feather board.  Everything worked awesome!


And here's the results.  Admittedly, I need to change that blade..  I hit a chunk of metal with it a while back so, there's some damage to a few teeth..


Quick trip through the planer to remove the blade marks.  All in all, I couldn't be happier with how his operation went and I got to use up some material destined for the scrap bin.

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Unfortunately, I had to do some stuff for work today so, didn't get the shop time that I wanted!  

I did manage to get the stand assembled and took it for a test run..  Sorry for the video quality, was done on my phone..



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Productive day in the shop!

Started by doing a final milling and gluing up the tops..


After a rough sanding (80 grit), I set up to make the miter'd cuts using the angle feature on the Woodpeckers track saw guide.


This gave me a perfect 90 on the tops!


I'm not completely satisfied with the seam coming straight off the saw but, tomorrow is another day and I'll work on that.


For the record, these are just set together, there's no clamping pressure in this picture.

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Just now, Coop said:

I bet with some clamps (looking forward to see how you pull that off) the seam will be seem less. That stand is just too cool! 

I'll still be doing a little work on that seam tomorrow.  There won't be any glue in that seam, just table top fasteners and some dominos for alignment.


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With the server stuff pretty much done, I could finally get back into the shop and make some headway..

With the seam looking much better, I next went to the domino for alignment purposes only.  I cut one side on the tight setting and glued those in.  The other side, I cut on the medium setting and did not apply any glue to them or the joint.


Next, I used a Forstner bit and a router to cut the mortises for the table top fasteners on the bottom side.  I also final sanded and pilot drilled the mounting holes in the base before flipping this back over.


After a few samples run for my wife, she decided on a simple heavy round over for the edge profile on the top.


I didn't round over the ends as they will sit next to the side stands so the profile will just carry on when the desk is in the lowered position.  All sanded to 180 grit and ready for some finish..  I'll water pop first and then sand back before doing the finish.

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Just now, Coop said:

Were those type of fasteners used in lieu of glue for future break down if needed? Those are cool. Well done. 

No.  They're to allow for independent wood movement from side to side without the seam separating ..

My wife's quilting desk that I did a few years ago had developed an opening in the same seam so, I'm really hoping this is the answer to that issue.

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I had a bunch of errands to run this morning!  Getting some more Shellac was on that list of errands today because I wanted to start finishing the top to get it out of my shop..

Before I can finish the top though, I thought it would be a good idea to finish the tops of the side stands at the same time.  Since I hadn't even started the stands, it was back to milling lumber for a good portion of my day..

Got the tops all glued up..  I'll trim and edge profile in the morning and then start the finishing process on all the tops..



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Not sure if it's just me or not??  The pic I posted in my last post is there but, I can't see it.  Are you guys seeing a post of the 2 glue ups?

Probably paranoid about this new transition but, I want to be sure..


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Just now, Coop said:

Yeah, one pic of two glue ups.

You mentioned shellac. Has that always been a step in the finishing process? 

Must have just been a computer glitch, I see it now as well.  Thanks..

The finish on this one is planned to be the same one I did on the trestle table.  Potassium Dichromate followed by a couple coats of amber shellac..  That finish is designed for African Mahogany but, Sapele is so close that I want to give it a try.  Of course I'll test on some scrap first.

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