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Jointer Third Hand


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I posted this in another thread for the current project but, thought it deserves a little "stand alone" attention..

The current project required me to run some rather large pieces though the jointer.  To say the least, they were difficult to wrestle let alone keep up against the fence as needed.

After struggling with one of them, I remembered that I had picked up a Magfence to help with some resawing at the bandsaw.  Since it's magnet based, I figured I'd give it a shot at the jointer.  Super impressed it how it worked!



This allowed me to focus on just feeding the material through the machine without worrying about its alignment to the fence.

This is not an ad for Magfence as there are several out there with similar products. Most are advertised for use at the bandsaw and a couple for use at the drill press..  Not sure I've ever seen one used this way so, wanted to pass it along.

For what it's worth, the board in the picture weighed about 80 pounds.

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Just now, Coop said:

I saw this on your initial post but forgot to comment. I bet it’s a lot better on the bs than a feather board when re-sawing! 

Depends on the featherboard..  I have one of those taller green ones that does really well and it's actually taller than the Magfence..  I also have the Harvey which is similar in height to the Magfence and also does a nice job..  The issue with both of those is that they rely on the miter slot to lock into..  The Magfence relies on the magnets so can be placed anywhere on the surface.

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