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Whitewood Ply


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I need to make a cabinet for a couple of systainers and a drawer for screws. 4’ high x 12” d x 22” w, nothing fancy. That is, until I checked box store prices on 3/4” ply. Unbelievable! That takes BB ply completely out of the pic. Lowe’s carries a 4x8 sheet called whitewood ply which is about 30-40% less than the oak or birch. Has anyone used this stuff? 
My thinking is that as small as the cabinet is, there shouldn’t be too much of a prob with it warping? 

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I know that before the prices went crazy, you could buy BB ply cheaper than you could buy the big box store ply so, it might be worth checking..  Last I bought BB locally, it was about 125 a sheet..

I've not used the particular stuff you reference but, I have used refinished ply before for shop projects and it worked fine.  Yes, it was a little more prone to warping.  Suggest keeping it as flat as possible and get your parts out of it fairly quickly.  This will help you store the parts flat which should reduce the tendency to warp. 

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